Care Home Residents celebrate VE Day

Celebrating VE Day At The Fleet

On Monday 8th May, The Fleet celebrated VE day with all of its residents.

Our laundry housekeeper Nick came in with some of his wartime memorabilia and very kindly put on an interactive exhibition for our residents.

Nick, who usually wears a green polo top as his uniform, got changed into an incredible army uniform and brought in the extensive collection that he has collected over the years. He went into detail about each item and even spoke to the home about his personal connections with some of the items - who knew a toothbrush from 1945 would cost £85!

The whole day was extremely interactive for our residents and they were getting dressed up in helmets and holding some rifles. The residents also got involved in sharing some of their experiences and memories from that period of their lives and it was a massive eye-opener for us all within the home.

Care Home Residents celebrate VE Day

We are very lucky that Nick wanted to share his passion with our residents and everyone really did enjoy the whole day - a massive thank you to Nick and we look forward to teh celebrations again next year!

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